Where Should Relaxing Patios be for A Relaxing Escape

Now that the weather is starting to get cooler, it’s time to bring out your patio furniture and enjoy some lazy afternoons. If you’ve got a bit of space in your yard, an enclosed patio might be the best way to go.

After all, who doesn’t like a little bit of fresh air? With that being said, installing a patio in your home can be challenging. Luckily, we’ve got a couple of ideas on how you can make this space feel as relaxed as possible.

Here are our top tips for where to locate an outdoor space in your home

Where Should Patios be for A Relaxing Escape

Plan Ahead

The best way to make sure your patio is in a good location is to plan it out before you start building. Think about how it will affect your home, your neighbours, and the whole street. You might even want to get a neighbour or two involved to help you decide whether the location is right for the patio.

Once you’ve got a rough layout in your head, you’ll be able to make sure you’ve got enough room for the patio and any garden fixtures. You should also be aware of any utility issues, like access to power sockets, gas pipes, and water supplies.

Choose The Right Location For Your Patio

Having a patio located in the right part of the house is mostly down to the size of your yard. The general rule of thumb is that patio size is directly proportional to the square footage of the yard.

So, if your yard is a small as a tennis court, you might be in trouble. It’s better to have a patio that’s too small than not to have one at all. Another factor to take into account when deciding where to install a patio is the condition of your walls.

If you’ve got painted walls, you’ll need to make sure that the patio is installed outside of the house. The same goes for areas with flammable materials like wood beams or insulation.

To make it easier, you can find out whether you’re allowed to install a patio in your backyard. You can do this by contacting the local planning department.

It’s worth noting that some cities and counties have restrictions on where you can have patios. If you live in one of these areas, you’ll need to abide by the rules.

Decide On A Theme For Your Patio

The more you think about your patio, the more you’ll realize how great it could be. It might be a great place to relax, but it could also be an awesome place to entertain guests. This is where you can really have fun with your design and theme.

You could go with a colour theme to create a relaxing oasis or you could mix things up by choosing a style that’s more unusual. The easiest way to go about designing the patio space is to think about the furniture first.

Once you have an idea of what you’d like to see in the space, you can start taking measurements and drawing a rough layout of the patio.

Add Privacy With Planting

One of the best ways to add privacy to your patio is to plant some dense, privacy-loving bushes or trees. You can find various types of these plants at nurseries, but make sure they’re not too crowded. That way, they’ll form a good barrier between your patio and the rest of the yard.

You can also add privacy by hanging mosquito nets from your patio ceiling and installing outdoor curtains. This will block out a bit of light and create the sense of being indoors without actually blocking the outside view.

Consider Your Weather Conditions

This might seem like common sense, but it’s surprising how many people don’t factor in the weather when installing a patio. If your area experiences a lot of harsh winter weather, installing a patio might not be possible.

Additionally, you’ll want to be careful about installing a patio in areas that are prone to flooding. This can be a safety hazard and will also be an annoyance for you and your neighbours.

Assuming you can safely get your patio up and running, you’ll want to make sure that it’s in the right location and sized for your needs. This will help you to avoid issues like summer heat or limited view.

You’ll also want to think about the type of patio you want to install. A concrete patio will be warmer in the summer, while a wooden one will be cooler.

Make Sure You Have A Comfortable Space

Before you start building your patio, make sure that you’ve put together a checklist of everything that you’ll need. This will help you to avoid forgetting anything, which could cause issues down the track.

You’ll also want to make sure that you’ve got the right tools at hand, like a level, tape measure, and a hammer to drive in your patio boards. You’ll also want to make sure that you’ve got all of the materials, like red brick, sand, or gravel for your patio.

If you need to buy any of these things, make sure that you shop around for the best price.

Don’t Forget To Factor In Safety Concerns

Patios are a great way to bring the outside into your home space, but you need to make sure that you follow safety regulations. Make sure that the area around your patio is clear of any obstacles, like power poles, that could pose a danger.

For your own safety, you should also make sure that the patio is structurally sound. This will help to prevent it from collapsing or lifting off the ground. You should also keep an eye out for any loose items, like buckets or gardening tools, that could be a potential threat.

Finally, make sure that the patio surface is level.

Take Care When Installing New Furniture

The last thing that you want to forget when installing a new patio is to take care when installing the furniture. Make sure that the patio is level, that the floor is level, and that there are no gaps on the surface.

When you’ve finished building the patio, you’ll want to make sure that you sand the surface and seal it. This will help to prevent stains from outdoor elements, like rain and snow.


Now that you’ve got a good idea of where to install a patio in your home, it’s time to get construction underway.

However, be sure to follow all of our tips for where to install a patio in your home. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be able to enjoy your new outdoor space for years to come.

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