Can Patio Furniture Get Wet? – It depends

When it comes to patio furniture, there are a few factors to consider when determining if it can get wet or not. Some types of patio furniture are made to withstand wet conditions, while others should not be exposed to moisture. So, can patio furniture get wet? It depends.

Can Patio Furniture Get Wet

Factors to Consider When Determining if Patio Furniture Can Get Wet

When deciding whether or not patio furniture can get wet, there are several factors to consider. First, you should look at the materials that the furniture is made of. Some materials are more resistant to water damage than others.

For example, metal furniture is usually more resistant to water damage than wood furniture. Likewise, synthetic wicker is usually more water-resistant than natural wicker.

Types of Patio Furniture That Can Get Wet

When it comes to patio furniture that can get wet, there are a few materials that are better suited for wet conditions than others. Metal furniture is one of the best options for wet conditions, as it is highly resistant to water damage.

Synthetic wicker, such as resin wicker, is also a great choice for wet conditions, as it is designed to be weather-resistant.

Types of Patio Furniture That Should Not Get Wet

On the other hand, there are some types of patio furniture that should not get wet. Wood furniture, for example, is not designed to withstand moisture, and can easily become warped or damaged if exposed to water. Natural wicker is also not designed to withstand moisture, and can easily become brittle and break if exposed to water.

How to Protect Patio Furniture from Getting Wet

If you have patio furniture that should not get wet, there are a few ways that you can protect it from moisture.

  • Cover the furniture: The first is to cover the furniture with a tarp or other waterproof material. This will help to keep it dry and protect it from the elements.
  • Move furniture indoors: You can also move the furniture indoors when it is raining or during periods of heavy humidity.
  • Apply a waterproof sealant: Another option is to apply a waterproof sealant to the furniture. This will help to protect the furniture from moisture and make it more resistant to water damage.

However, it is important to note that a sealant will not make the furniture completely waterproof, so it is still a good idea to cover the furniture when it is raining.

Can you leave wicker furniture outside in the winter?

When it comes to wicker furniture, it is not a good idea to leave it outside in the winter. Natural wicker is prone to cracking and breaking when exposed to extreme temperatures, so it is best to move it indoors during the winter months. Synthetic wicker is a better option for outdoor use in the winter, as it is designed to withstand extreme temperatures.

Should I cover my patio furniture every night?

Whether or not you should cover your patio furniture every night will depend on the type of furniture you have and the weather conditions. If you have furniture that is not waterproof, it is a good idea to cover it with a tarp or other waterproof material when it is not in use. This will help to protect it from moisture and make it last longer.

Condensation under Patio furniture cover

If you have a patio furniture cover, it is important to check for condensation underneath it. Condensation can lead to mold and mildew growth on the furniture, which can cause damage and discoloration. It is a good idea to regularly check for condensation and make sure that the cover is properly ventilated.

Best Outdoor Furniture for Rainy Weather

When it comes to outdoor furniture for rainy weather, metal furniture is a great option. Metal is highly resistant to water damage and can withstand wet conditions. Synthetic wicker is also a great choice, as it is designed to be weather-resistant.


In conclusion, whether or not patio furniture can get wet depends on the materials it is made of and the weather conditions. Metal and synthetic wicker furniture are usually the best options for wet conditions, while wood and natural wicker furniture should not get wet.

To protect patio furniture from water damage, it is a good idea to cover it with a tarp or move it indoors when it is raining.

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